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All About You | About Artist and Authors | Get Online Version | Reviews

Table of Contents

Part I.  Good Things in Your Life Begin with You

Narrative 1:  Toads in the Backyard and School Uniforms
1. Who Are You?
2. An Attitude of Gratitude: A Gift to Yourself
3. How do You See Yourself?
4. Habits: The Key to Greatness
5. Setting Goals: Coming a Step Closer to Your Dreams
6. Being Your Own Best Friend
7. Uncovering Your Talents

Part II. Your Family: Basic Training Camp

Narrative 2: Noses and Other Not-So-Important Things
8. A Look at Your Family
9. You and Your Parents
10. Being Responsible
11. Some Great Things About Loyalty
12. Respect Begins at Home but Travels Well
13. Overcoming Tough Situations at Home

Part III. Cornerstones of Character: Things You Don't Want t Live Without

Narrative 3: PE and the Chill Tragedy
14. Do Manners Really Say Something About You?
15. Where Does Happiness Come From
16. Honesty: Taking a Closer Look
17. Conscience: Following Some Good Advice
18. Empathy and Compassion
19. Courage: A Trait Worth Working For
20. Having a Friend and Being a Friend

Table of Contents Cont...

Part IV. Fine Tuning More Tools For the Anventurous

Narrative 4: The Chocolate Milk Incident
21. The Importance of Being Fair
22. Apologizing and Forgiving: Tasks of the Brave
23. Acceptance: Learning To See Beneath the Surface
24. How to Use Your Hot Temper in the Right Way
25. The Power of Your Words

Part V. The Bigger Picture. Yes, You Really Matter

Narrative 5: Why I Changed My Name
26. Growing Up: Making Right Choices
27. Taking Care of Yourself: A Word About Substance Use
28. What is Love?
29. Let's Talk About Sex: Facts and Fiction
30. Diversity: The Beauty of Differences
31. Taking Care of the World Around You
32. Being Your Best

  As we can see in our fast paced world, today's teens are forced to grow up before their time, and also forced to make important decisions that can permanently affect both their well-being and their future. Not only will their choices affect the quality of their lives and their relationships, but also their choices will largely determine the direction of our society. Teenagers have huge questions and few, if any, real answers. What does the future hold when most young people lack moral vision and moral guidance in their lives?

     To deal with the real questions and concerns of our youth, the All About Character Project has selected a book, All About You: A Course in Character for Teens. The uniqueness and effectiveness of the book is that it is built upon a moral and philosophical framework that integrates abstinence education, character development and family life education. Most character education resources focus on one or two of these areas, but rarely all three. However, character, morality, human sexuality and family dynamics are all integrally connected. Since our organization focuses on the development of the person of good character, All About You is designed around the concept that each person develops through three essential life goals:  personal maturity; loving relationships and family; and making a meaningful contribution to society.

     All About You can be used in public and private school systems, by homeschoolers, or simply read independently. The book is well adapted for use as a resource by youth workers in the community, as well as by youth ministers - as it delves into the heart of essential life questions that inevitably arise within the context of faith-based communities.

With no training sessions required, the book is an easy resource to present when used within a group setting. All that is required of the teacher or facilitator is enthusiasm, a willingness to try, and most importantly, a sincere desire to help young people develop good habits of the heart and mind.

     Although many great books are widely available on topics of character and personal development, the comprehensive approach of this book is unique for teens. All About You is really all about the reader. The reader decides how deeply the issues will be contemplated. The content stresses personal responsibility and a realistic approach to problem solving and healthy decision-making. It combines theory and action, answering for the reader not only how I can achieve this but also why I should. In the end, the reader is shown that true happiness and success in life are real possibilities.

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